Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review

Hello my lovely readers! How is Life? 

First of all, accept my flying kisses💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋  he he  😉😉😜😜😄😄

I have had a very nice experience using Biotique Products. One of my favourite products is Biotique- Bio Papaya Revitalizing Tan Removal Scrub. Recently, I bought two Biotique face washes. Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash and another one is Bio Papaya Exfoliating Face Wash. I trust this brand and have tried most Biotique products. So, as soon as I saw them, I had to get my hands on them, knew this would be a worth purchase. Moreover, I got 30% cash back through PAYTM so I bought them in bigger size. Yay :D :D

Today, I am reviewing Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash. Read on my dear peeps:

Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash

Product Description

This fresh foaming 100% soap free face wash dissolves makeup and impurities, softens skin and helps lighten the complexion.

How to Use

Gently, massage over wet face and neck with fingertips, lather and then rinse, morning and evening.

Biotique White- Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review
Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review


Grit Kumari leaf pulp 3.0%, Tomato fruit juice 3.0%, and Annanas fruit juice 5.0%, Kikar Gum 2.0%, Amla Fruit 2.0%, Madhu 1.5%, Ritha Fruit 4.0%, and Purified Water Q.S.

Biotique White- Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review
Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review


INR 240 – for 300ml/10.14fl. oz.

Also available in the following packing:

  1. INR 55.00 – for  50ml    
  2. INR 100.00 – for 100ml   
  3. INR 135.00 – for 150ml 
Biotique White- Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review
Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review

Skin Type

All Skin Type

Shelf Life

3 years

Buy Biotique Products here through Paytm.


My experience with Biotique-Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash



I love its sturdy packaging. The transparent packing allows you to see how much product is left. Except 300 ml pack, all packs come in a typical transparent tube with easy green color flip cap. The one, I am reviewing, comes in a transparent bottle with a white color dispenser. The packaging has all the product details printed the front and the back of the bottle.

Biotique White- Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review
Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review


It is pinkish- transparent and runny in texture. It has typical Ayurvedic smell which I feel, is bit strong. It lathers well and cleans your face effectively. You need just a drop of it to wash your entire face and neck.

Biotique White- Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review
Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash Review

I can’t say about its fairness claim as I don’t use this face wash regularly but yes It effectively cleans and brightens my skin instantly right after I use this face wash. It dries out my skin a bit but leaves my skin so smooth and refreshed! It is a very nice product and I love using it. It is actually worth buying.

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Right after washing face with Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash


Pros of Biotique – Bio white Whitening and Brightening Face Wash

  • Dermatologist Tested for Safety hence safe to use.
  • It brightens the complexion and relieves dull appearance instantly.
  • The price is quite reasonable according to the quantity.
  • An excellent face wash for oily skin beauties.
  • It has therapeutic properties.
  • Organically Pure & Preservative Free.
  • Not tested in Animals.

Cons of Biotique – Bio White Whitening and Brightening Face Wash

  • Not suitable for all those beauties who are allergic to extreme fragrances.
  • Might be little drying for dry skin.

MAB Rating : 4/5

MAB Recommendation

I will recommend buying this product at least once and give it a try. Extremely Dry skin beauties may skip this. Over-all I have, had a wonderful experience using this face wash. They also have other variants Neem, Pineapple and Honey; hence I am thinking to purchase their other variants soon.

P.S. – I am using their hair care range too. I will review it soon.

Thank you for stopping by and reading above product review. Hope you liked it.
Have you tried any face wash of this brand? What is your favourite face wash? Please do share with me in the comment section.

Stay Gorgeouslicious <3  

Bye !



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Pooja Raina
Pooja Raina
Beauty obsessive Pooja Raina (also known as Jinjin) has created a one-stop-destination for beauty, fashion and style updates. She is a self-confessed makeup aficionado, a beauty product junkie, and fragrance buff! She likes to write about Makeup, Fashion, Beauty and lifestyle. From plenty of product reviews, fashion inspiration, skincare tips, and of course, drool-worthy lip swatches, you will find everything you need here!

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    • Thank u so much Ankita! Biotique has an excellent and effective product range. Yea it removes makeup efficiently ✌🏻️<3
      Btw thank you for stopping by sweetheart 😘😘

  1. Lovely post hun! That looks like a huge bottle for the price :) Such a shame I have dry skin and I don’t think it’s worth a try then :( My mom has been using Biotique since they launched and her skin is amazing! But I agree with Ankita regarding the ingredient list, something fishy :/

    • Thanks Sweetheart !! Thats great Mommy is lucky !! ☺️☺️
      Yea I agree the ingredient information is incomplete but I think as long as the products are giving me good results I don’t care much. :) :)

  2. Yeah, iam using biotique whitening face leaves my skin very soft. but after4 days i got cracked lips in the corner. What i can do? can anyone give me any remedy’s…

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